Gramercy Bagels
Gramercy Park, Manhattan
Total Score
Ranks & Awards
Store: A clean, contemporary set-up: warm and wooden with edison bulbs hanging about the store. Fast, friendly staff. Bagels well placed on view. A small drink selection, moderate spread selection. Michael Jackson's "Human Nature" plays on the radio. 3.75
Bagel: Large bagel, toppings on one side. Served somewhat warm. Salt crystals included in the standard topping set-up. Neither doughy nor crispy; existing in a space of limited identity. Value size with a value taste. 3.5
Cream Cheese: Served cold from the case. Both well and evenly applied. A large scallion chop, more reminiscent of a spinach dip in nature. It's this texture that gives it all its character points. In other respects, not particularly flavorful, but still bagel store quality. 3.5