Hillside Hot Bagels
Hollis, Queens
Total Score
Ranks & Awards
Store: A long store with a baked-in aesthetic, combining deli, bagel store and cafeteria line sensibilities. Front seating roped off due to COVID. Friendly, attentive staff. Little pastry selection, spreads not on display. Moderate drink selection of standard variety. Chopped ribs and baked chicken legs rest in heating trays looking mighty tasty. Honestly the most compelling thing about the store. 3.5
Bagel: Medium-sized bagel with dense toppings on one side. The shape and topping amount is very uniform, which is generally not a great sign. The bite is a tougher chew of an aged fashion. Salt representation is on point, both in crystal ratio and overall brine to the shell. Otherwise, an underwhelming experience. 2.75
Cream Cheese: Served cool. Even application and good amount. The spread suffers from the dreaded sensation of overcheese, too ripe for its own good with no sense of intent or direction. Scallions are chunk cut but don't cut through the dairy noise. 2.5