Oakwood Bagels
Oakwood Heights, Staten Island
Total Score
Ranks & Awards
Store: Despite the name, the store is essentially a deli with bagel options. As such, a large drink selection and variety of services offered but not truly bagel-focused. A cooking competition rerun plays on Food Network over the flat screen. The staff doesn't seem interested on being there. On the plus side, their rainbow bagel takes a very exotic, pink-hued approach. 3
Bagel: A chewy bagel on the small side of the spectrum. It's too early in the day for a bagel to lack any freshness qualities, but here we are. Grainy, bland and without salt presence, it shares more trails with a roll than a bagel. One-sided toppings applied in a nicely irregular scatter pattern. But looks don't always translate to taste. 2.5
Cream Cheese: Scraped from a tupperware container in the deli case. Uneven application, decent amount. A very clotted texture, suffering from the dreaded sensation of overcheese. Scallions provide some texture but no taste considerations. 2.5