Village Green Bagel Cafe
Village Greens, Staten Island
Total Score
Ranks & Awards
Store: A storefront inside the Village Green Shopping Center. Closer to smoke shop/deli sensibilities than a bagel store. White-lit, large drink and candy selection, variety of deli salads and ice cream. No spread display to speak of. Fast, attentive staff. Out of regular everything bagels, had to settle for whole wheat everything. 3.25
Bagel: A large bagel with a mostly doughy chew. Toppings are the name of the game here. Standard everything composition driven by a higher than normal garlic/onion contribution. High salt ratio as well, with significant visual and taste presence. A much richer coloring than typical whole wheat bagels. Wins the visual battle but fights to a draw on flavor. 3.5
Cream Cheese: Served neutral temperature. Uneven application but decent amount applied. A dairy neutral spread with no crossing into overcheese territory. Scallions are more or less a non-factor but the spread itself is fundamentally sound. 3.5